Week 8, Blog 4, IS LIGHT SAFE?
When I was in Italy site seeing and going to museums, most of the times I took my camera with me, and mostly I was not allowed to take pictures because of many oil paintings that were there and effect of flash of camera at them. After I got back, I searched why the flash photography is not allowed in most of museums. I thought maybe is because of profits of selling the pictures but found out that according to Carl Grimm, head paintings conservator for the DeYoung Museum in San Francisco, "the heat and light produced by flash photography speed up the chemical reactions that cause deterioration," and to be exact the light would hurt the painting and that is why many paintings are contained in dark places. Moreover, even the flash cameras are not allowed in theater, but for this is understandable. It is because of profit and also actors's attentions may be lost. They might forget their lines or even they might hurt themselves in such that if one actor is dancing and people are taking pictures, he or she might lose her or his control and ruin the show, that is why flash photography is not permitted in theater. But we do need light in our daily life to see things more clearly like the example of these pictures. Some are taken when I was driving through university drive in the fog and some are the show that I saw in my old college (IVC) called Bye Bye Birdie. Bye Bye Birdie was a fun show with lots of colors and excitement that I learned when I was looking at the lights. In this show, I payed more attention to the lights different to other shows that I have been to and learned that light sometimes can be dangerous even thought it helps us to see more clearly.
Nice analysis of light and it properties