This is a rather obvious and extreme example of lighting, but it nevertheless gets the point across. I think it's incredible what lights add to a show - any kind of show, but perfectly demonstrated by the Muse concert I saw last week. This particular picture from their song "New Born" was my favorite because I am so drawn to their use of lasers. They did an excellent job with them; building as the song built, increasing in speed and intricacy as the song did. What really impressed about all of the lights used in this concert was that they were multipurpose. They looked brilliant surrounding and effecting the musicians, but they also reached out to the entire audience, making them a part of the show as well. They reached to the back of the stadium still complementing the performance on the whole. I was awed by the tidiness of the concert; all parts worked together and improved upon each other. Above each aspect of the show however were they lights because they were the most visual (ok, besides the video projections - but those were more two-dimensional). I really looked forward to each song change to experience the lighting transformation. I have to add that the feeling the lights gave me was another perfect compliment to the music. Regarding this picture in particular, I have to say I'm actually surprised at the use of complementary colors - red and green - because I personally would never put the two together, except for Christmas, of course. In all I found the lighting design to be incredible.
Nice detail and image. As I mention in another post, concert lighting can be such a great study of emotion affecting light and vise versa.