Last Thursday, In lighting design class, we were learning how to design lights and its angles and try to replicate the color of the sun. After that session, I was very inspired to analyze the real color of the sun and on that same day, on Thursday at about 6:00 P.M. ish on an early evening, I was on my way home all the way back to Walnut from UCI. I was on the 10th freeway and as I was exiting Grand, I have realized that the sun was setting in the sky and I took my phone as quick as I could and took a picture of the sun before it completely set! When I analyze my picture, I noticed that a sun set's color is rather orange ish instead of bright yellow! Knowing this fact, I feel as if I had to replicate the color of a sun set with lights, it may be easier for me to design a sun set vs. a sun rise! It is because I believe that dimmer orange is rather easier to replicate and is very pleasing to the eyes, rather than just a bright yellow!
Very nice post - I am glad you are considering the lectures afterwards - continue to study sunlight and you will be hard pressed to find that yellow color you are talking about although it is always the color we associate with sunlight